


Minggu, 23 September 2012

CA Subject

Pelajaran Ca adalah pelajaran yang sangat menarik karena disana belajar tentang membuat blog dan cara untuk mengganti nama website ke dari 

Senin, 10 September 2012



Nama saya: valencia
saya punya kakak bernama ivan yang juga berkuliah di Unika


Selasa, 04 September 2012

my activities at holiday

My activities at my home is nothing. Usually I only watch some movie, watch tv and play some sport or playing some gadget that I like to play. Sometime i asked someone to watch movie at the cinema we watch together and sometime we go home  together. Who join me to the cinema are my friends or my cousin. Why my cousin because we are so near to other so she want to go with me and maybe she with other friend

Nama: valencia
NIM: 12.02.0090

Senin, 03 September 2012

my hobby

 My hobby is  playing games, listening to music, and playing some sports. Sport that I played are badminton and sometime I am swimming if i not to lazy. If I am still lazy usually I played with my dogs and sometimes I am teach some new trick that difficult to be follow with my dogs because my dogs never listen to the trainer. But we still loved them because I have been pet the dogs when the age is 2 month and now have been 8 years. If a dog age 8 years if we count use a  human age is 8 years = 56 years.

NIM: 12.02.0090
Nama: valencia  

my profil

hai friends my name is valencia. I had two sibling i have one brother and me. i had a lot of friend from school and college. My hobby is listening to music and play some games. 

Nama: valencia 